Sampson Street Commemorative Pavers

A new seating area, featuring engraved pavers, on the 100 block of South Sampson near the Methodist Church parking lot is set to be completed soon. The first round of bricks to be engraved is closing Wednesday, August 21st.

If you are interested in participating in this Winning Communities fundraiser, forms can be picked up and/or dropped off at the Village Hall. The cost is $125 for a brick with your personalized engraving that will be placed on the newly landscaped area. Funds raised by this initiative aid in the completion of the landscaped area and annual upkeep of all the recently completed beautification projects along the 100 and 200 block of S. Sampson downtown.

Your consideration is greatly appreciated by the Winning Communities Board. Don’t delay – the deadline to submit your form is Wednesday, August 21st.

Download the Commemorative Pavers Form here: