Tremont Commerce Association
The Tremont Commerce Association is not a Chamber of Commerce but a group of area business people working together to better serve our community. Projects include the Annual Christmas Walk, Merchant’s Day, and awarding a savings bond to the Turkey Festival Queen.
Working together is not only a statement in Tremont but a way of life. Our businesses are professional & are dedicated to serving their customers.
If you would like more information about how your business may be promoted in Tremont please contact us.
Merchants Day
The Tremont Merchant’s Day is sponsored by the Tremont Commerce Association. Tremont Merchant’s Day is when our Tremont merchants host fun activities inside or outside their businesses. Activities usually include three locations for lunch; free lemonade, water and popcorn; coffee, cookies and cupcakes for purchase. Local home party vendors also have outside booths. There is face painting and music.
Tremont Merchant’s Day falls on the Thursday evening of Turkey Festival week, running from 4:00pm to 7:00pm. The festivities are set up along Sampson St. and Rt 9.
Anyone in TCA or from Tremont can get involved, and there is no charge to set up a booth. If you would like more information about how your business can be involved or listed on the fliers distributed around town contact:
Debbie Aberle
TCA Secretary
[email protected]
Christmas Walk
The Tremont Christmas Walk is sponsored by the Tremont Commerce Association. The Tremont Christmas Walk is a day when our Tremont merchants host fun activities inside or outside their businesses. These activities usually include locations for lunch; free punch and cookies, water and popcorn; coffee, hot cocoa and cupcakes for purchase. Local home party vendors also have booths inside the Tremont First National Bank lobby. There are also horse drawn wagon rides and Christmas carols. Other activities include a scavenger hunt, door prizes, face painting, and the day ending with lighting of the Christmas trees at the Tiber Creek.
Anyone in TCA or from Tremont can get involved, and there is no charge to set up a booth. If you would like more information about how your business can be involved, contact:
Debbie Aberle
TCA Secretary
[email protected]
Tremont Commerce Association
PO Box 1590
Tremont, IL 61568