The Tremont Community

Explore the Tremont community through our local businesses and churches, exceptional learning institutions, and annual events.

See why we’re celebrated for our welcoming atmosphere, historic charm, and strong sense of local pride. The Tremont community offers a blend of small-town living with a verity of community activities which underscore the town’s vibrant social fabric and tradition of neighborly support.

Community Events & Festivals

Upcoming events and meeting happening around town. Tap an event to add it to your calendar or add the [email protected] Google Calendar to your device.

Tremont has two garage sales every year. The spring sale is the last Friday and Saturday of April. The fall sale is the last Friday and Saturday of September.

A great way to kick off summer, the Tremont Turkey Festival takes place in early June each year. Enjoy a full carnival, great food, and local vendors.

The Tremont District Library is located in the heart of town on Sampson St. and offers a wide selection of programs for kids and adults alike.

District 702 offers pre-K – 12 education through the Turks Learning Center, Tremont Grade School, Jr. High, and High School.

Businesses & Places of Worship

Explore the wide variety of local businesses in Tremont.

Connect with the churches that help provide a strong and positive environment for residents.